Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is Relenza safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

There are no long term data on the long term effects on Relenza in pregnant women and those who breast feed. Experts think that the effects of HINI itself are more of a danger to pregnant women and their fetus and perhaps Relenza may be of more benefit. It is better to go with treatment than without any treatment

Before the outbreak of swine flu, very few pregnant women had taken Relenza and so it is not yet possible to say what the long term effects on the infant will be. In the UK and Europe, experts recommend the inhaler because the drug goes directly to the lungs and does not spread to the body. This way less of the body is affected and the chances of the drug spreading to the fetus are very low.

Only a tiny amount of Relenza gets across the breast into milk, and thus breast feeding women can resume this activity while taking Relenza. However, the mother should wear a mask to avoid passing the virus to the baby when she sneezes.

Can Zanamivir (relenza) cure Swine Flu?

Zanamivir (Relenza) does not cure swine flu but helps decrease the intensity and durations of swine flu symptoms. Relenza is only effective if taken within the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. The majority of people never see a physician in this time period and so never benefit.

Zanamir is not recommended to prevent swine flu because it protection is very short lived. To prevent flu, it must be taken for 10 days. The drug is a powder which is inhaled though a device known as a Diskhaler.

Only individuals who are at very high risk of complications from swine flu should take this drug as a preventive aid. Anti viral drugs are not the best way to prevent swine flu. The only way to prevent swine flu is with the vaccine

Continued used of Relenza can result in drug resistance and side effects. Plus, Relenza is expensive. One of the annoying side effects of Relenza is diarrhea.

Since Relenza can stop the virus from multiplying, it is best used for acute cases. Moreover, there are minimal data on the effectiveness of Relenza on the swine flu virus. Not everyone responds to the drug. At best, Relenza can reduce your chance of acquiring swine flu by 50-70 percent if it is taken for 10 days.

How long this protection lasts remains unknown

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nuvigil for Jet Lag! Part 2

Nuvigil is a Schedule 4 drug and has abuse potential. It produces effects like a psycho stimulant and it use should be limited. Physicians generally do not prescribe Nuvigil for more than 7 days. Nuvigil is taken once a day for and its effects last 24-36 hours. The company claims that nuvigil is a wake promoting drug that is different from amphetamines and works specifically on sleep centers.

The problem

All claims about Nuvigil’s benefits for jet lag must be taken with caution. Many individuals who participated in the study were paid by the pharmaceutical company. So how valid can these studies be? Is anyone who gets a free expense paid trip to Paris or London going to criticize the drug?

Final point

Nuvigil is also quite expensive and can induce psychotic signs such as hallucinations and anger. So before you run off and get a prescription, read about the drug. Or use the older traditional treatments for jet lad like coffee, sleeping pills and exercise. Jet lag is only annoying for a few days; on the other hand the side effects of Nuvigil can mess up your mind for a long time.

Nuvigil for Jet Lag! Part 1

Another drug for jet lag is Nuvigil and the company which markets it claims that it is many times more potent than melatonin. Well, anything is better than melatonin because it never worked in the first place.

So what about nuvigil?

Nuvigil is indicated for individuals who want to improve wakefulness, those who work irregular shifts, have narcolepsy or jet lag. Nuvigil is an analog of the older drug modafinil and is taken once day. Several studies on the drug have been done and these trials revealed that it can increase alertness and concentration. Moreover, individuals who took it for jet lag claimed it rapidly helped recovery, decreased daytime lethargy and lessened fatigue.

The drug is said to be safe and the few side effects include nausea, anxiety and palpitations. However, a few individuals can also develop mood changes, delusions, hallucinations, suicidal ideation and aggression. Individuals who have a history of mood disorders should not take nuvigil. The drug can induce an allergic rash and is not recommended for children.