Friday, October 1, 2010

My doctor prescribed Viagra for my ED. I took it for the first time tonight and now, rather than doing what it’s supposed to do, I’m looking pale and I’m getting red splotches. Is this normal? Should I take another one? What’s going on here? (Male, 66)

Viagra is generally a very safe drug and has been used by millions of individuals in the past decade. The majority of men use Viagra to enhance their sexual life. However, there is no drug that is completely free of side effects. The most common side effects of Viagra include a headache, nasal stuffiness, stomach upset and facial flushing. 

These mild side effects are well tolerated and usually disappear with time. Other very rare side effects of Viagra include changes in vision and a painful prolonged erection, known as priapism. Like all medications, Viagra can also cause an allergic reaction.

This allergic reaction may present with a skin rash (red splotches), itching, general fatigue, difficulty breathing or facial swelling. Symptoms that you describe are more likely due to an allergic reaction. In such cases, the drug must be discontinued and one must seek immediate medical assistance. It is important not to take any more Viagra or any other type of impotence pill until you have been seen by your doctor. Allergic reactions to Viagra may be attributed to the active chemical ingredient, sildenafil citrate, or other substances that have been used to make the pill.

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