Friday, May 8, 2015

Is there a treatment for spitting?

I have a terrible habit of spitting. Is there something I can do to stop this habit?
Yes, go on a one way trip to the moon and you can spit all you want. No one will see you and no one will hassle you. On this planet, spitting is a very common distasteful habit. It is an obnoxious behavior and there is no magical drug to cure the habit. You need to undergo some type of behavior therapy-. I am not much of a fan of chitchat B.S psychotherapy so I can’t advise you on that topic. Just stop spitting and this will cost you nothing; going to professionals is going to cost you a lot of money with no guarantee that these treatments work. Just be aware of what you are doing and resist the urge to spit. In time, you will stop spitting. Some people do benefit from short term use of the latest SSRIs. People who spit also tend to have terrible personalities and for that-there is no cure. People notorious for spitting are indians and chinese.