Monday, April 6, 2009

Xenical (AKA Orlistat) – a good weight loss pill? Part 2

What is alli?

Alli is a brand name of Orlistat and available without a prescription. Alli is only half the prescription strength of Orlistat. Two pills of alli equal one Orlistat pill

How effective is Orlistat?

Well, it is an effective drug for weight loss. The weight loss usually occurs gradually over a period of 2-3 months.

Does Orlistat work in everyone?

No, for some unknown reason it only works in less than 40% of individuals. Asians, Orientals and Africans appear to have a genetic difference in the enzyme, lipase. The enzyme is not effectively inhibited by Orlistat in this patient population.

What else can one do to lose weight?

Orlistat is not the magic pill for weight loss and one also needs to eat less, and enter an exercise program

How much weight can one lose with Orlistat?

Most people claim that they lose 10-15 pounds over 4-6 months. Long term use does not seem to increase this weight loss

What is the dose of Orlistat?

The dose of prescription Orlistat is 120 mg and is supposed to be taken I hr before each meal.

What else should I know about Orlistat?

Because a few vitamins need fat to be absorbed in the blood stream, Orlistat use can prevent absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Thus, one has to take supplements of these enzymes. Never take the vitamins supplements at the same time as Orlistat- they will simply be eliminated in the poop.

What are side effects of Orlistat?

Orlistat is a safe drug but has unpleasant side effects. It is because of the side effects that most people cannot take Orlistat for long periods. Passage of fat into the bowels lead to a lot of gas, abdominal cramps, frothy and oily stool. Plus, the oily stools often leak out of the anus and soil the under pants.

These side effects are less when the drug is not taken every day. The side effects do resolve when the pill is stopped. Some people wear diapers during this time to avoid repeated soilage of their underwear

What is cost of the Orlistat?

Orlistat is fairly expensive. Each pill can cost anywhere from $2-$3. One needs to take each pill 3 times a day. This can amount to about $200-$300 a month. This may sound a lot but bariatric surgery can cost $15,000-$25,000.

Final advice

Do not take Orlistat which requires a prescription and is expensive.. If you want to lose weight, take alli which is the same pill, costs much less and one does not need a prescription. Alli is available at half the strength and works just as well

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